It has been a tough week in regards to keeping up with the desired Paleo/Primal diet. Stress, work, and an overall feeling that there isn't enough time in the day has led to a few days where I started to slip back into the poor diet habits. I expect these days to happen, but my body has not exactly reacted well to the entire influx of starchy/processed carbohydrates.
On a brighter note, I was able to introduce several co-workers to the world of Paleo through my stir fry. I am pretty sure it was a hit, but it was more important to have a reason to get back to the plan. Strange to think that a bunch of vegetables with some spice and coconut aminos can make such a great meal. Colorful and flavorful - if the teaching thing doesn't work out...maybe I could make it as a cook. It was nice to bring a small taste of both my cooking and a completely healthy meal to people who enjoyed the meal.
Today's topic - portion control.
I was raised by two individuals who have diabetes and there has always been some form of food measuring in the house hold. My mom was a little more lenient with the portion control and my dad was pretty strict and consistent about breaking out the measuring cups. These were the two examples that I saw on a regular basis and some of these ideas stuck with me other didn't. I like my comfort food (most of which isn't Paleo) and at times I have taken down more food than I should have at any given time.
Even with this new diet - that idea is still in the back of my head. Should I be eating less of this or I wonder what constitutes a "true" portion size. A lot of the blogs and books I have read throw portions out the window and state that you should eat when you are hungry and eat enough to be satisfied. From a personal viewpoint, it is hard to argue with a diet that says eat as much as you want as long as you are eating: vegetables, lean meat, seeds, nuts, or more vegetables. Calorie wise, I am still way under my allotted 2100 calories a day and I am rarely hungry aside from the normal breakfast, lunch, and dinner times.
I feel better and I know I am eating more vegetables than I have in the past. This is a plus and really I feel like my body is handling more stress and functioning better since switching diets.
Basic portions and how to figure them out, trust me it can still be a little confusing. The major benefit to this is not having to count every single calorie or carbohydrate. However, there is a running idea that you can eat as much as you want or could eat as long as it is within the set parameters of approved foods. This is a major pit fall, because no matter how many healthy foods you eat, if you are exceeding the needed caloric intake every day those extra calories have to go somewhere.
The paleo plate is primarily set up around the protein source. This is similar to several other diets and frankly it isn't a bad place to start. Most proteins (lean meats, fish, eggs) shouldn't exceed the size of your fist. I like having protein at every meal, because it keeps me satiated for a longer period of time. I am starting to watch this more and more as my diet continues, because I am still nervous about the over eating of the good things. It would be counter intuitive to what I am trying to do with my dietary needs. Eggs are another easy one to "measure". You should eat as many eggs as you can hold in one hand. Some people will be able to hold 3-4 eggs and other 1-2. I stick with my 2 egg breakfast and this keep me full until lunch.
After the protein comes the vegetables. Fill up your plate with vegetables. Pretty simple, right? Well even this can be confusing. Sedentary people may not want to load up on the winter squashes, sweet potatoes, or root vegetables because they are carbohydrate dense. This would mean a larger emphasis on the leafy greens as a general rule of thumb. If someone is more active, be sure to plug in some of these carbohydrate dense vegetables to support your specific needs.
Fruit - 2 to 3 serving a day. I think this one is also relative, because of the amount of natural sugar that can be found in the fruits. I eat fruit with breakfast through the consumption of a smoothie, which covers most of my fruit needs. I will occasionally eat some fruit as an afternoon snack, but this is an uncommon event.
Eat in moderation. Tackle some vegetables for the needed nutrients and try to split the meals up every 4-5 hours to allow your body the proper time to digest the food.
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